What Does Dys Mean In Medical Terms? Find Out!

What does dys mean in medical terms

What does Dys mean in medical terms?

Every now and then, we come across words and expressions that pique our interest. 

Each and every word in English belong to one category or more. 

Some are used specially in a particular category. An example of such is “Dys”. 

Medically, the term “Dys” comes into play for a specific situation. 

Previously, we explained Cele and its meaning in medical terms. Today, We’ll talk about “Dys” and its meaning in this article on Medicsdomain.

First, let’s talk about medical terms. 

What are Medical Terms? 

Medical terms are words that we use to describe a particular medical situation.  

Most times, a doctor or nurse says something and you’ll be at a loss as to what it means. They use words to describe medical situations and conditions that we find hard to understand. These words are called medical terms. 

Medical terminologies (in short form “medical terms”) are words used in the medical field to describe the body, its components, processes, conditions affecting it and procedures performed upon it. 

Most medical terms originate from Greek and Latin words and retain their pronunciation and meaning in English. 

Medical terms have a regular pattern. Affixes (either prefix or suffix) are added to words to express a particular situation or condition. 

Prefixes and suffixes with a particular meaning are added to different words to give them a particular meaning. These words are know as the root words and they normally refer to parts of the body system or conditions. Example of such affixes are dys,  hyper, pathy, etc. 

Why Do We Use Medical Terms? 


Medical terms functions to describe conditions accurately. Every medical term refers to a particular part of a body system or a medical condition. 

Medical terms also expresses a medical condition, process or procedure.  They save us the time of too much talk or explanation, especially between medical practitioners. 

So, you see? Using medical terms is a precise way of describing a part of the body system or its condition. Example is appendectomy, which means the removal of an inflamed appendix. 

Today we’ll be talking about “dys” and how it concerns medical terms. 

What Does “Dys” Mean In Medical Terms? 


The word “dys” is actually written as dys-. 

Dys– is a prefix. This means that it is not a word on its own but it joins to the beginning of a word to add meaning to that word. 

Dys– arrives from the Ancient Greek word “dus-” which means bad, hard or difficult. 

Medically, dys– means difficult, abnormal or faulty. 

It joins to words to form medical terms that denote abnormality or difficulty. 

The opposite of dys– is eu-.

 Examples of Medical Terms with Dys and What Does It Mean 

Here, I’m going to list some medical terms that have the prefix dys– and what they mean. 

1. Dysfunction 

This means any abnormality, disturbance, impairment or difficulty in the normal functioning of an organ. This can result from diseases, infections or environmental factors. Examples are kidney dysfunction, brain dysfunction, liver dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, etc. 

2. Dyslexia 

This is a human disorder that involves difficulty in reading or interpreting words, letters or symbols. People with this disorder have normal intelligence and an urge to learn but have difficulty understanding letters or symbols. A person with dyslexia is dyslexic. 

3. Dysentery – What does Dys mean in medical terms

This is an infection of the intestines that causes diarrhea with blood-stained stool coupled with abdominal pains, vomiting and dehydration. It is a bacterial infection that arrives from contaminated food or water. 

4. Dysadaptation 

This is a condition of the eyes. It is the inability of the iris and retina to adapt properly to light. This causes impaired vision. It is mostly a result of vitamin A deficiency. 

5. Dysadrenalism 

This is a disorder of the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands on top of the kidneys secretes the adrenaline hormone. Dysadrenalism is an abnormal functioning of the adrenal glands. It can be a result of an unhealthy increase or decrease in the performance of the adrenal glands. This means abnormally high or low adrenaline level. 

6. Dysarthria – What does Dys mean in medical terms 

 This is a medical condition where a person has difficulty articulating words (i.e. inability to pronounce words). This causes impaired speech. It results from damage to the nervous system. It could lead to a total loss of speech. A person with dysarthria is dysarthric. 

7. Dyskinesia 

This is a medical condition characterized with involuntary repetitive motions or lack of coordination. It an impairment in the ability to control one’s movement. A person with dyskinesia is dyskinesic. 

8. Dyspepsia 

This means indigestion. A person with dyspepsia has difficulty in digesting food and this causes constipation and an upset stomach. It is also characterized by abdominal pains. A person with dyspepsia is referred to as dyspepsic. 

9. Dysphoria 

This is an abnormal state of restlessness or anxiety. It causes dissatisfaction and depression. A person with is condition is said to be dysphoric. 

10. Dystaxia – What does Dys mean in medical terms 

This is an abnormality in muscular coordination. It is characterized by shaky limb movements and low stamina due to lack of proper muscular coordination. A person with this condition is referred to as dystaxic. 

11. Dyspnoea 

This condition where a person has difficulty in breathing. The person’s breathing is laboured and accompanied by pain. The person frequently experiences shortness of breath. It can be due to asthma, pneumonia, heart failure or pulmonary diseases. A person with the medical condition is said to be dyspnoic. 

12. Dysphonia 

This is an abnormality of the vocal cords. A person with dysphonia has difficulty in speaking. The person’s voice is usually hoarse and unclear. A person with  this condition is said to be dysphonic. 

13. Dysplasia 

This is the abnormal growth and development of body cells, tissues, or organs. This can lead to cancer. A person with dysplasia is referred to as dysplasic. 

14. Dysrhythmia 

This is an irregular and unusual rhythm or pattern of the heart or brain activity. It can be caused by sickness, anxiety or nervousness. A person with this condition is said to be dysrhythmic. 

15. Dysmenorrhea 

This a condition of painful menstruation. It is characterized with pain during periods, nausea, fatigue and diarrhea. It can be a mild or throbbing pain. Most women and girls suffer from dysmenorrhea (i.e. they are dysmenorrhic). 

These are just some common medical terms containing dys-. There so many more medical terms that contain dys-. 

Also Read:

What Does Dys Mean in medical terms: Conclusion 

You can see how medical terms make it easier to describe conditions precisely. 

You can also see how dys– plays a role in some medical terms. Adding it to any root word automatically denotes a condition of difficulty or abnormality.

We hope you’ve know all on what does dys mean in medical terms! 

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Anaso Emmanuel
Anaso Emmanuel

My name is Anaso Emmanuel and I’m the founder of MedicsDomain; an SEO Expert, Content Writer and an Enthusiastic learner. To the outside world, I’m an ordinary Medic but secretly I use this blog to help aspirants get into medical school, provide insightful guides and connect with others like me.

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