CMDA 027 Tests

CMDA 027 Gross Anatomy Test

1 / 42

1. Capacity of the stomach in an adult is


2 / 42

2. The diaphragm is NOT derived from which of the following?


3 / 42

3. Which of the following does NOT pass through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm?


4 / 42

4. The sympathetic nerve supply of the stomach arises from which of the following cord segments?


5 / 42

5. The lacunar ligament is formed by?

6 / 42

6. Between the internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles is a neurovascular plane that contains all of the following EXCEPT


7 / 42

7. The two medial umbilical folds represent remnants of which of the following structures?


8 / 42

8. All of the following structures are located within the rectus sheath EXCEPT


9 / 42

9. Where is extraperitoneal fat located?

10 / 42


The inferior margins of the lungs correspond with which rib at midclavicular line?


11 / 42

11. The arch of the aorta is crossed by the following structures except


12 / 42

12. The base of the heart is formed by

13 / 42

13. About the superior mediastinum?

14 / 42

14. Which of the following does NOT supply the breast with blood?


15 / 42

15. The mammary glands are modified versions of which type of gland?


16 / 42

16. Which of the following is a saddle-type synovial joint?


17 / 42

17. Which of the following is a special feature of a thoracic vertebra?


18 / 42

18. All of the following statements correctly apply to the right atrium EXCEPT


19 / 42

19. All of the following statements correctly applyto a bronchopulmonary segment EXCEPT


20 / 42

20. All of the following statements correctly apply to the right lung EXCEPT

21 / 42

21. All of the following statements correctly apply to the left main bronchus EXCEPT

22 / 42

22. Which of the following statements correctly apply to the internal thoracic artery?

23 / 42

23. Which of the following statements concerning the sternal angle is correct?


24 / 42

24. The articular part of a rib tubercle articulates with which of the following structures?

25 / 42

25. “Winging” of the scapula is most likely caused by which of the following?

26 / 42

26. A patient tries to make a fist, but digits 2 and 3 remain partially extended. What nerve is injured?

27 / 42

27. The axillary nerve


28 / 42

28. Concerning deep palmar arch

29 / 42

29. The deep branch of radial nerve perforates

30 / 42

30. The cephalic vein

31 / 42

31. Injury to which nerve can lead to wrist drop?


32 / 42

32. The axillary artery

33 / 42

33. Injury to which nerve can lead to ape hand?


34 / 42

34. Which of the following is correct regarding the triangle of auscultation?

35 / 42

35. Which of the following is derived from the radial artery?

36 / 42

36. A patient is unable to flex the arm and forearm. ventral rami of C3–C4

Where is the lesion likely to be?

37 / 42

37. The cubital fossa does NOT contain which of the following?

38 / 42

38. Which of the following is true regarding the quadrangular space?

39 / 42

39. A patient is asked to abduct the arm 90 degrees and then to extend the flexed forearm against resistance. Which muscle is being tested?

40 / 42

40. Which rotator cuff muscle does NOT rotate the humerus?

41 / 42

41. A patient is asked to place the hands posteriorly on the hips and to push the elbows posteriorly against resistance. Which muscle is being tested?

42 / 42

42. All of the following are medial rotators of the arm except

Keep calm, you'll get what you deserve 😄

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The average score is 54%



CMDA 027 Embryology Test

1 / 24

1. The cells responsible for testosterone production are

2 / 24

2. The number of chromosomes is halved during


3 / 24

3. The total number of germ cells in ovary by the fifth month of IUL is


4 / 24


  • During meiosis, one primary oocyte gives rise to


5 / 24

5. Implantation begins approximately days after fertilization.

6 / 24

6. The secretory phase of the menstrual cycle begins approximately_____ days

from ovulation under the influence of progesterone.

7 / 24

7. Primordial follicle is formed in a female at

8 / 24

8. The total number of germ cells reaches its maximum number in human female at


9 / 24

9. In human the period of spermatozoa conditioning or capacitation is


10 / 24

10. Primary spermatocytes undergo meiotic development and become secondary spermatocytes after being in prophase for


11 / 24

11. Most human developmental changes are completed at


12 / 24

12. During ovulation, the secondary oocyte resides at what specific stage of meiosis?

13 / 24

13. Where do primordial germ cells initially develop?


14 / 24

14. When does formation of primary spermatocytes begin?

15 / 24

15. All primary oocytes are formed by

16 / 24

16. Which of the following describes the number of chromosomes and amount of DNA in a gamete

17 / 24

17. A normal somatic cell contains a total of 46 chromosomes. What is the normal complement of chromosomes found in a sperm?

18 / 24

18. Which of the following is a major characteristic of meiosis I

19 / 24

19. The fertilized ovum is completely implanted in the endometrium by the end of the day after fertilization

20 / 24

20. The usual number of days between fertilization and the commencement of implantation is

21 / 24

21. The spermatozoon is viable within the female genital tract for

22 / 24

22. The ovum is surrounded by a non cellular secreted layer known as the

23 / 24

23. Following ovulation, the ovum is viable for

24 / 24

24. .The chromosomal formula of the oocyte at ovulation

Your score is



CMDA 027 Test Histology

1 / 30

1) 30. Which of these cells cannot divide

2 / 30

2) 29. Fibrocartilage seen in

3 / 30

3) 28. Elastic cartilage seen in

4 / 30

4) 27. Epithelium found in the conjunctiva

5 / 30

5) 26. Epithelium found in the trachea

6 / 30

6) 25. Epithelium found in the vagina

7 / 30

7) 24. What tissue processing technique adheres cover slip to slide to protect tissue from abrasive forces

8 / 30

8) 23. Which of these tissue processing methods removes alcohol

9 / 30

9) 22. The following are tissue processing methods except

10 / 30

10) 22. Reticular fibres are made of what kind of collagen fibers

11 / 30

11) 21. Components of the connective tissue includes all except

12 / 30

12) 20. Which of the following apical modifications of the epithelium exhibit a rapid beating pattern

13 / 30

13) 19. Which of these is false concerning myelin sheath

14 / 30

14) 18. In the PNS, myelin sheath is produced by

15 / 30

15) 17.  In the CNS, myelin sheath is produced by

16 / 30

16) 16. Which of these is false about the nerve cell body

17 / 30

17) 15.  Which of the following is not a function of the axon

18 / 30

18) 14.  In the CNS myelinated fibers are called


19 / 30

19) 13. Metabolic centre of the nerve cell is

20 / 30

20) 12. . The diameter of the capillaries is

21 / 30

21) 11. Sinusoids can be seen in the following except

22 / 30

22) 10. Terminal arterioles are arterioles less than

23 / 30

23) 9. Elastic artery include

24 / 30

24) 8. What layer of an artery prevents undue stretching or distension of the artery

25 / 30

25) 7. Deficiency in what vitamin leads to the thinning and fragility of the epiphyseal plates predisposing one to fracture

26 / 30

26) 5. What cell secretes the bone matrix

27 / 30

27) 4. Cancellous bone are found more in the

28 / 30

28) 3. Bone matrix is made up of what type of collagen

29 / 30


 The lacunae of osteocytes are connected by

30 / 30


1.Which of these is known as the bone resorbing cell

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CMDA 027 Zoology and Environmental Biology Test

1 / 25

1. Which of the following is not a hard tick?

2 / 25

2. Which of these is a chewing lice?

3 / 25

3. Concerning P. falciparum

4 / 25

4. Strongyloides sp is a good example of

5 / 25

5. The following are physiological adaptation of parasites except?

6 / 25

6. Mallophaga has how many antenna segments?

7 / 25

7. The protein coat that encloses the nucleic acid genome of a virus is called?

8 / 25

8. The agent of aetiology for Rickettisial pox?

9 / 25

9. Pinworm is also called

10 / 25

10. Cerebral malaria is a complication of?

11 / 25

11. The reservoir host for relapsing fever is?

12 / 25

12. Which of the nematode is the odd one out in terms of treatment?

13 / 25

13. Which of the following is the odd one out in terms of life cycle?

14 / 25

14. Diphyllobothrium latum is also known as?

15 / 25

15. Which of the following is ineffective in prevention of poliomyelitis?

16 / 25

16. Viruses which produce eruptions or rashes on the skin are called?

17 / 25

17. The most striking common lesion of HSV-1 is?

18 / 25

18. Rabies virus produce a specific cytoplasmic inclusion called?

19 / 25

19. The vaccine type preferably administered to immunodeficient individuals in poliomyelitis prophylaxis is?

20 / 25

20. Fleas belong to what order?

21 / 25

21. Which of these nematodes is of the most significance and economic importance in this country?

22 / 25

22. The vector of Leishmania braziliensis is?

23 / 25

23. The category of myasis in which the fly maggot dwell in the host's intestine is called?

24 / 25

24. The vector of Murine typhus to man is?

25 / 25

25. Venomous stinging insects belong to what order?

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The average score is 52%



CMDA 027 BIO 154, PHY 114 and BIO 152

This examination contains BIO 154, PHY 114 and BIO 152 God's grace.

1 / 81

1. Gram stained smear is usually observed with____objective

2 / 81

2. Which of the following bacteria is curved rod in shape

3 / 81

3. Which of the following bacteria is spiral in shape

4 / 81

4. Hanging drop examination is used to examine

5 / 81

5. Which of the following is not a test for lipid

6 / 81

6. Which of these is not a class of lipids in human physiology

7 / 81

7. One of these is a major reagent for xanthoproteic acid test

8 / 81

8. The product of saponification test include the following except

9 / 81

9. Carbohydrates exhibit the chemical properties of the following compounds except

10 / 81

10. In the Ninhydrin test for protein, which of the following conditions will not affect the result

11 / 81

11. ________Is an example of the amino acid tested for in million's test

12 / 81

12. Buthus imperator is the botanical name for

13 / 81

13. Millipede belongs to family

14 / 81

14. Which of the following is an example of neutral stain

15 / 81

15. The following are acidic stain except

16 / 81

16. In a basic stain where is the colouring portion found

17 / 81

17. What is the correct description of Escherichia coli

18 / 81

18. Which of the following bacterial species have cocci in regular packets of eight cells?

19 / 81

19. Mosses and liverworts belong to the phylum

20 / 81

20. The following are true about mosses except?

21 / 81

21. i) Power is the amount of energy used by an electrical appliance.
ii) Suppose that three identical resistors with a resistance of 3-ohms are placed in series with a 12-Volt battery. The electric potential difference across each resistor is 12 Volts.

22 / 81

22. Which has more resistance: 100W bulb or 60W bulb?

23 / 81

23. A stepup transformer has transformation ration5:3. What is voltage in secondary if voltage in primary is 60V

24 / 81

24. In storing magnets, keepers are used to

25 / 81

25. The leakage flux of a toroid is less because It is

26 / 81

26. A magnetic field of 0.0014T exists at the center of a circularcoil of radius 0.2m has 15 closely wound turns. Find the current in the coil(u=4π×10^-7Hm)

27 / 81

27. The angle of declination at a place is the angle

28 / 81

28. Biot Savart' law of magnetism is analogous to?

29 / 81

29. (a) As a positve charge moves in the same direction as an electric field, it gains electric potential.The electric potential difference between two points is simply the difference in potential energy possessed by charge between those two points.

(b)   Which of the following is correct about the statements above?

30 / 81

30. As the mass number A  increases, which of the following quantities associated with the nucleus remain unchanged

31 / 81

31. If a charged particle kept at rest experiences an electromagnetic force, then?

i). E-field must not be zero
ii)  B-field must not be zero
iii) B-field may be zero

32 / 81

32. Which of the following gives rise to the line spectra observed in atoms?

33 / 81

33. Which of the following particles will experience maximum magnetic force when projected with the same velocity perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field?

34 / 81

34. a. As a positve charge moves in the same direction as an electric field, it gains electric potential.

b.The electric potential difference between two points is simply the difference in potential energy possessed by charge between those two points.

Which of the following is correct about the statements above?

35 / 81

35. The amount of charge passed through through a cross section of a wire in time t  is given by

What is the dimensional formula for A, B and C?

36 / 81

36. When the separation between two charges is increased, the electric potential energy of the charges?

37 / 81

37. What is the De-Broglie wavelength of an electron which has a velocity of 3x10^7 m/s?
take planks constant =6.6x10^-34J.s, mass of electron = 9.11x10^-31kg.

38 / 81

38. What is the age in years of an archaeological bone which has a count rate of 15 counts/min as compared to a fresh bone with a count rate of 19 counts/min?

39 / 81

39. In a meter bridge experiment a balance point was obtained on the 45cm mark on the wire corresponding to a resistance R when a resistance of 20Ω was connected to the other arm of the bridge. Find the value of R

40 / 81

40. An average induced emf of 20V appears in a coil when the current in it is changed from 5A in one direction to 5A in the opposite direction in 0.20s. Find the self inductance of the coil.

41 / 81

41. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
i) Kirchhoff’s junction rule follows from the law of conservation of charge
ii) Kirchhoff’s loop rule follows from conservative nature  of electric field
iii) Kirchhoff’s loop rule follows from conservation of energ

42 / 81

42. The non-existence of magnetic monopoles is a physical implication of one of the

43 / 81

43. The net resistance of a voltmeter should be large to ensure that?

44 / 81

44. ­Identify the correct statement(s).

(i) strong nuclear force is responsible for binding molecules together to form solids.

(ii) Coulomb’s force is used to explain the structure of nuclei of atoms.

(iii) Gauss’s law can be used to explain the concept of charge induction in neutral bodies.

45 / 81

45. 17 grams of 57Co kept in an open container undergoes beta decay with a half life of 270 days.
The weight of the material inside the container after 540 days will be very nearly?

46 / 81

46. Calculate the arithmetic mean speed of O2 molecules at -20°C.

47 / 81

47. The virus that causes measles is a

48 / 81

48. What lymphocytes produce antibodies

49 / 81

49. Which of the following is not associative

50 / 81

50. What year was Azotobacter chroococum discovered

51 / 81

51. Which of these are types of vaccines

52 / 81

52. Which of these is not a probiotic

53 / 81

53. Which of these lobes control muscle control

54 / 81

54. Which of these terms is specific to water alone

55 / 81

55. The most common rhesus condition is

56 / 81

56. Amphibian heart has

57 / 81

57. The chamber with the thickest wall is

58 / 81

58. FSH is produced in the

59 / 81

59. Corpus luteum is found in the

60 / 81

60. Outermost layer of gut is

61 / 81

61. Bacteria in gut of herbivore is

62 / 81

62. Which nervous system is fight or flight

63 / 81

63. Best method of transformation is

64 / 81

64. Types of mutation is/are

65 / 81

65. DNA is replicated in

66 / 81

66. Which one is not found in the structure of the DNA?

67 / 81

67. Bean is a

68 / 81

68. What is rheotropism?

69 / 81

69. which of these is not automatic?

70 / 81

70. What paper detects transpiration?

71 / 81

71. Which of these equations is correct

72 / 81

72. Osmotic Pressure

73 / 81

73. What percent of water is in seeds?

74 / 81

74. How many types of RNA do we have?

75 / 81

75. What is the shape of the DNA called?

76 / 81

76. Which of the following is not a nucleic acid?

77 / 81

77. What is the second law of thermodynamics?

78 / 81


Enzyme responsible for converting pectin into pectic acid is:

79 / 81

79. which of these is not an enzyme group

80 / 81

80. Enzyme structure was by

81 / 81

81. zymogen is

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The average score is 36%



CMDA CHEM 112 and CHEM 122

1 / 81

1. The intermolecular force between permanent and induced dipoles is called

2 / 81

2. 18g of glucose (C6H12O6) is dissolved in 1kg of water in a saucepan. At what temperature will the water boil? Kb (ebullioscopic constant) for water is 0.52.

3 / 81

3. At room temperature (25°C), the rms speed of the molecules of a certain diatomic gas is found to be 1930 m/s. The gas is

4 / 81

4. Calculate the molality of a 1 litre solution of 93% H2SO4. The density of solution is 1.84.

5 / 81

5. A collision is said to be effective if the colliding particles have energy that is

Greater than the activation energy
Equal to the activation energy
Less than the activation energy
Far less than the activation energy

6 / 81

6. Degree of dissociation of an acid is 0.25, and its ka value is 0.075, calculate the concentration of the acid.

7 / 81

7. Reaction is at equilibrium when ∆G is

8 / 81

8. A first order reaction has a halflife of 5 minutes. What percentage must have reacted under 50 minutes?

9 / 81

9. The molality of a solution is defined as number of moles of

10 / 81

10. The solubility product of Ag2CrO4 (silver chromate) is 9.0×10-¹¹. Calculate its solubility in water.

11 / 81

11. Calculate in mol/dm³, the molarity of a solution prepared by dissolving 150g of sodium carbonate in 500g of water.

12 / 81

12. An isolated system is enclosed by

13 / 81

13. If the volume occupied by 1 mol of oxygen at -20°C and 60 atm is 350cm³, calculate the compressibility factor

14 / 81

14. According to Avogadro's law, the volume of a gas will… … .with… … .if… … ….. .are kept constant.

15 / 81

15. Gases deviate from ideal behavior at

16 / 81

16. Which of these is true about the molecular speed distribution curve?
The probability that a molecule has its speed between any 2 values is given by the area covered above the graph

17 / 81

17. Calculate the arithmetic mean speed of O2 molecules at -20°C.

18 / 81

18. The following are intensive properties except

19 / 81

19. Calculate the partial pressures of oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere, given that air contains 21% O2 and 78% N2 by volume. Barometric pressure is 746mmHg

20 / 81

20. Unit of Van der Waals constant 'a' is

21 / 81

21. Which of the following are substances with critical temperature above room temperature?

22 / 81

22. During an isothermal expansion, the change in internal energy of an ideal gas is:

23 / 81

23. What of these is true

24 / 81

24. The critical temperature is usually higher for substances with:

25 / 81

25. Which of these is false

26 / 81

26. The number of independent chemical species necessary to describe composition of each and every phase of system is

27 / 81

27. One of these is a path function

28 / 81

28. Change in internal energy for a cyclic process is 0

29 / 81

29. The number of gram-formula weights of solute in 1 litre of solution is called

30 / 81

30. Which is not a formula for Van der Waals constant

31 / 81

31. Which of these cannot effect volume changes in an gaseous equilibrium reaction occuring in a vessel.

32 / 81

32. Among the 3 major disturbances to equilibrium, the only one that alters the equilibrium constant is

33 / 81

33. Pick the correct options

  1. Lavoisier and Laplace law states that the heat of decomposition is numerically equal to heat of formation, but of opposite sign.
  2. Heat of solution= Lattice energy + solvation energy.
  3. Heat of formation of a compound is the heat evolved or absorbed on reaction by its constituent elements.
  4. Hess law is a direct consequence of the first law of thermodynamics.

34 / 81

34. Which of these is false about the graph of the compressibility factor (Z) of methane as a function of pressure

35 / 81

35. Value of compressibility factor for an ideal gas is

36 / 81

36. Which term accounts for intermolecular forces in Van der Waals equation for non-ideal gases?

37 / 81

37. If the mole fraction of glucose and water in a given solution at 25°C are 0.022 and 0.978 respectively, calculate the new lowered vapour pressure of water at 25°C and 23.8mmHg.

38 / 81

38. Which of these pairs diffuses at a slower rate than CO2

39 / 81

39. In a given mixture of non reacting gases, ratio of partial pressure of each gas equals its

40 / 81

40. Which is wrong according to the Kinetic theory of gases?

41 / 81

41. Which factors are considered in deviation to real gases?

42 / 81

42. Find the new volume of the gas, when the kelvin temperature and pressure of a fixed amount of gas is doubled.

43 / 81

43. At 127°C, a vessel has a certain gas. At the same pressure, to what temperature must be heated so that half of the gas escapes?

44 / 81

44. At a given temperature, kinetic theory of gases postulates that

45 / 81

45. The volume of gas is … … … when the pressure is reduced to half, and the absolute temperature is doubled.

46 / 81

46. What is the free energy change ∆G,when 1 mole of water at 100°C and 1 atm pressure is converted into steam at 100°C and 1 atm pressure

47 / 81

47. For vaporization of water at 1 atm, values of ∆H and ∆S are 40.63KJ/mol and 108.8 JK-¹ respectively. The temperature when Gibbs free energy for this transformation will be 0 is

48 / 81

48. Who proposed the concept of a base being a substance whose molecule or ion can accept a proton?

49 / 81

49. Phase rule is represented by

50 / 81

50. A gas mixture that has 5 moles of 02 and 7 moles of nitrogen, has a total pressure of 24Nm-². Calculate the partial pressure of N2 and O2 respectively

51 / 81

51. Buffer solutions are made by mixing

52 / 81

52. Calculate pOH of 0.3M HCl which is 75% ionized

53 / 81

53. The vapour pressure of a solution of 20g of non-volatile solute in 150g of water, is 26.5 torr. Calculate the molar mass of the solute, assuming the solution behaves ideally. (Vapor pressure of water at this temperature is 28.065 torr).

54 / 81

54. Which of these reactions are second order

55 / 81

55. Consider the reaction at a given temperature.

CO + H20 <-> CO2 + H2

If 0.13 moles of CO, 0.56 moles of H2O, 0.62 moles of CO2 and 0.43 moles of H2 are introduced into a 2 litre flask, what is the equilibrium quotient? Use this to judge the direction the reaction will proceed to reach equilibrium.

56 / 81

56. For most gases, inversion temperature is

57 / 81

57. Which is true

58 / 81

58. Which of these is true concerning the relationship of spontaneity of chemical reactions and equilibrium constant.

59 / 81

59. Considering these statements

  1. Ideal gas are liquefied only at very low temperatures
  2. Ideal gases cannot be liquefied
  3. Ideal gas behaviour is observed by real gases at low pressures
  4. Ideal gases do not exist.

In the above statements, the correct ones are

60 / 81

60. Given the following thermochemical equations:

C(s) + O2 —--> CO2 (-393.5kJ)

CO(s) + 1/2O2 —---> CO2 (-283.0kJ)

What is the heat of formation of CO?

61 / 81

61. Calculate the heat of combustion  in a constant pressure calorimeter at 25°C, assuming the gases are ideal.

CO(g) + 1/2O2(g) —->CO2(g)

{Heat of combustion of CO in a constant volume calorimeter is -281.88kJ/mol.

62 / 81

62. The two broad classification of Isomerism in organic compounds are

63 / 81

63. The type of single bond fusion where the two electrons go to one atom is

64 / 81

64. The geometry of the resulting hybrid orbital from sp3 hybridization is

65 / 81

65. What is the correct name for a molecule that has two amino groups in opposing (para) locations around a benzene ring?

66 / 81

66. When acetamide is converted to methylamine, what is the name of the reaction?

67 / 81

67. By reacting with which of the following, primary amines can be separated from secondary and tertiary amines?

68 / 81

68. Which one is the correct order of reactivity of different types of alcohol towards hydrogen halide?

69 / 81

69. The dehydration of alcohols is an example of?

70 / 81

70. The major reason that phenol is a better Bronsted acid than cyclohexanol is

71 / 81

71. By refluxing unsubstituted amide with acid, it will yield which of the following products?

72 / 81

72. Amides may be converted into amines by reaction named after which of the following reaction?

73 / 81

73. Which of the following will not easily undergo Friedel crafts reaction?

74 / 81

74. Which of the following is the most acidic?

75 / 81

75. Catalytic reaction of benzoyl chloride in presence of Pd-BaSo4 yields

76 / 81

76. Select the incorrect statement regarding the boiling points of alkanes

77 / 81

77. Identify the incorrect statement regarding the synthesis of alkenes

78 / 81

78. Choose the correct one which will react faster in the SN2 nucleophilic substitution reaction?

79 / 81

79. What will be the reactivity of chlorobenzene in an electrophilic substitution reaction with benzene?

80 / 81

80. Primary amides get converted into primary amines by?

81 / 81

81. Carbonyl compounds especially ketones undergo reduction to form

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The average score is 24%
