The Babcock University School Fees For Medicine And Surgery (Updated)

Are you searching for Babcock university school fees for medicine and surgery

Medical school is a 6 year program that trains and nurture students to become quality health practitioners. 

Sure, you can get MBBS from any medical school and you’re good to go! 

But where you train? That’ll determine the quality of education you enjoy and how good you’ll be. 

Are you thinking of studying medicine and surgery in Babcock University? Then you’d find this post helpful! 

In this episode of our med school fees series, you’d learn all what it takes to get into this prestigious private medical school. 

Furthermore, you’d see all the dues to pMay and extra things to note when making plans into the Babcock school of medicine! 

If that’s all good, then let’s get to it immediately! 

Brief history of Babcock Medical school 

Babcock university picture from Premiumtimes

Babcock medical school, also called the Ben Carson school of medicine and surgery is one of the best private universities to study medicine in Nigeria. 

Since it’s a private university, you should have no doubt that it’ll have the best equipment, quality infrastructure and good learning conditions compared to public schools. 

The initiators of this wonderful educational institution is the Christian body, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Nigeria. It was established at Ilishan-Remo, a place between Lagos and Ibadan. 

Although the medical school was established recently, it has fast grown to become one of the renowned universities to study medicine in Nigeria. 

They had their first set of medical doctors in 2017. And since then, they have been producing lots of well-trained doctors in Nigeria. 

What are the Babcock University School fees for medicine and surgery? 

As a medical student vying for admission into Babcock medical school, it’s super important you know how much it’ll cost to study here. 

Here’s the school fees you’d need to pay as compiled from 2020/2021 session; 

Dues/ Level 100200300400500600
Tuition and other fees 1,861,2001,861,2001,861,2001,861,2001,861,2001,861,200
Miscellaneous charge 116,000116,000116,000116,000116,000116,000
Total 1,977,2001,977,2001,977,2001,977,2001,977,2001,977,200

Other Things To Note 

However, the tuition isn’t the only thing you’d paying for. There are several other things to consider when it comes to Babcock university school fees for medicine and surgery.

Acceptance fee 

After JAMB must have given you admission to study medicine and surgery at Babcock, you’d also have to pay some fees to accept the schools admission. 

The acceptance fees in Babcock university for medical students is 300,000 Naira while its 150,000 Naira for other departments. 


Another thing to put in mind concerning the Babcock university school fees for medicine and surgery is your accommodation. Where are you going to stay? 

Fortunately, Babcock university has hostels that can accommodate every medical student. This here, is an advantage compared to some public universities with insufficient hostel spaces for students. 

So, here’s the list of the different available hostels and their prices for one semester ; 

HostelPrice (Naira) 
Classic 106,200
Premium 70,800
Regular 49,560

Then for a full year accommodation, you’d pay; 

Hostel Dues for One Year Price (Naira) 
Classic 212,400
Premium 141,600
Regular 99,120

What about the hostel types? There are a variety of accommodation you can select from in Babcock! Here are the different types and the halls which fall under the category;

Regular Halls: Winslow, Gamaliel, Welch, White, Nyberg, Ogden. 

Premium: Crystal, Royal, Haulah Gold, Kings Delight.

Classic: Mangold, Rehoboth, Queen Esther, Gideon, Platinum, Felicia Adebisi Dada, Justice Deborah.

Feeding – Babcock University school fees for medicine and surgery

Unlike in public schools where every student fends for him/herself, the Babcock university school fees for medicine and surger covers feeding also. 

There are two availabile plans depending on your choice. The first one is two meals per day and the second, three meals per day. 

Here’s the feeding fees for students in the school; 

Meals per day One Semester Two semester
2 meals 66,764100,174
3 meals 133,529200,293

Epayment course 

Another thing to consider when thinking about the school fees for medicine in Babcock university is the epayment course dues. It cost 15,000 Naira only and it’s only once per year. 

ICT Related Fees – Babcock School fees for Medicine and surgery

For anything related to the ICT, you’d need to pay your dues. The amount to be paid is 36,156 Naira. 

Graduation/Alumni Fees 

After you’ve spent your six years as a medical student in Babcock university, you’d be required to pay alumni fees in your final year. The dues is 47,880 Naira.

How Much Does It cost to Study Medicine and Surgery in Babcock University?

On average, how much will it cost a medical student to train in Babcock? Here’s our calculations below; 

A Fresher will pay on total: 

Dues Amount 
Tuition 1,861,200
Miscellaneous charge116,000
Feeding for one year133,529
Acceptance fee 300,000
Regular hostel 99,120
ePayment course15,000
ICT Related fees 36,156
Total 2,561,005

So it’ll cost an average of 2.5 million Naira for any student aspiring into medicine in Babcock university. 

However, note that these are values we got from the previous sessions. Things may change and what we discussed on the Babcock university school fees for medicine and surgery may be different from what it is now.

Whatever it is, you’ve gotten an hint of the Babcock university medical school fees. If you’ve got any questions, drop them in the comment box below. 

Also Read Other Episodes On Our Med School fees series

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Anaso Emmanuel
Anaso Emmanuel

My name is Anaso Emmanuel and I’m the founder of MedicsDomain; an SEO Expert, Content Writer and an Enthusiastic learner. To the outside world, I’m an ordinary Medic but secretly I use this blog to help aspirants get into medical school, provide insightful guides and connect with others like me.